Two Level Cervical Disc Replacement

51 year old gentleman who works as a massage therapist with progressively worsening neck pain radiating into his right shoulder. He began to develop weakness in his right arm which made it difficult to perform his job as a therapist. Pre-surgical imaging demonstrated two levels of cervical degenerative disc disease with nerve compression. We elected to proceed with a two-level artificial disc replacement. He returned to work within two weeks, his neck pain and range of motion are greatly improved and his right arm pain and strength also improved.

Pre-surgical XRAYs and CAT scan:

Post-surgical XRAYs including forward bending (flexion), backward bending (extension) and side bending views show good range of motion of the artificial discs.


Click here for more information on disc replacement.

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    Dr. Cuéllar accepts most major insurance plans, but is an out of network provider. Please contact our team for more information.